Agents of C.O.O.L. Episode 20 – Mission: Impossible “The Killer” and “The Killer”

It’s Jim Phelps vs. déjà vu as we look at the original Misison: Impossible episode The Killer and the eerily familiar pilot episode of the 1980s revival The Killer.

We also discuss the directorial shake up over at the 007 franchise and plug a few podcasts we like, specifically:

Empire Podcast, especially their two part episode on Mission: Impossible – Fallout: Part 1, Part 2

Decoder Ring Theater and the Atlanta Radio Theater Company who are jointly responsible for inspiring us to mess around with mics and a mixer without adult supervision.

Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories and My Favorite Murder if you need more murder and mayhem in your playlist.

And if you’re interested in one of the books we mentioned, The Spymaster’s Handbook by Michael Kurland (ISBN-13: 978-0816013142, ISBN-10: 0816013144, OCLC Number: 17479150) then plug one of those numbers into the secret decoder ring at your favorite bookstore and see if they can scare up a copy.

This episode’s music:
“Breakdown”, “Mistake the Getaway”, “Lost Time”
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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